Balance your hormones

Renowned woman’s health specialist Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD comes to Galway

Dr Marilyn Glenville PhD, the UK’s leading nutritionist specialising in women’s health is bringing her Balance Your Hormones tour to Galway on October 25. Attendees will learn about how to use food, vitamins, and minerals to increase energy, eliminate mood swings, improve memory, and reduce stress, as well as finding out how to lose weight without dieting.

As a respected author on women’s healthcare Dr Glenville is a popular international speaker and popular broadcaster, frequently appearing on television, radio, and in the press. She is the former president of the Food and Health Forum at the Royal Society of Medicine, a registered nutritionist, psychologist, and author who obtained her doctorate from Cambridge University. For more than 30 years Dr Glenville has studied and practiced nutritional medicine, specialising in the natural approach to female hormone problems.

With her special interest in the female hormone cycle, Dr Glenville works with women who suffer menstrual problems such as heavy periods, painful periods, PMS, fibroids, PCOS, and endometriosis, and who wish to work on a nutritional approach to these problems. Dr Glenville also helps couples who are having difficulty conceiving or having recurrent miscarriages and women looking for a natural approach to the menopause and prevention of osteoporosis.

Dr Glenville’s Balance Your Hormones talk will cover:

• The important dietary steps that all women should know to help balance their hormones.

• What to eat to balance your hormones including PMS, menopause, PCOS, fibroids, and endometriosis.

• The truth about soya and phytoestrogens and whether they are good or bad for you. The effects of foreign oestrogens coming in from our environment, how to recognise them and what can you do to avoid them.

• How beneficial bacteria in your digestive system balance your hormones.

• What vitamins, minerals, and herbs help balance your hormones naturally.

The event will take place on Wednesday October 25 in the Connacht Hotel, Dublin Road, Galway, from 6.45pm to 9.30pm. Tickets cost €20 and can be purchased at


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