People of the Tribes: Meet Sinead

In association with Evergreen

My name is Sinead Sheridan, born and bred in Galway city and now residing in Furbo Spiddal where I'm in the process of building my forever home. I am a Galway girl through and through. I have lived and worked in Galway my whole life. I became a blogger here, worked in retail, opened my own vintage store, organised fashion charity events and for the last five years ran my style market "Flea Style" once a month around the city, next Market is oct 15th Aras na Gael, I can wait!! I have met a whole load of great Galway people along my journey and I just love walking through my city and saying hello to these people who are all still grafting away keeping Galway lit with their talents and motivation. Galway is such a small vibrant little city where everyone knows somebody that you know, a City of Tribes.

If you would like to feature in People of the Tribes please contact us via email at [email protected]


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