Novel solution to student accommodation problem

In order to address the immediate need for student accommodation, Winters Property is leading the field by exploring alternative possibilities to standard student accommodation.

The business is currently examining the feasibility of unusual, alternative, options including large-scale, high-end, barge accommodation.

Two barges from Bibby Maritime are currently available and perfectly suitable for student requirements, although costs, permits, and compliance would have to be fully explored in order for this to happen in time for the upcoming college semester.

These barges have been used in the past for corporate accommodation around the world and feature en suite bedrooms, restaurants, recreation rooms, in addition to providing both reception and laundry facilities.

The Bibby Stockholm has 222 en suite bedrooms with the Bibby Bergen sleeping 180 en suite bedrooms with WiFi and a courtyard.

All bedrooms have windows with natural light, desks and wardrobes, with private bathrooms and shower access. View images and a virtual tour of either vessel by visiting

Managing director, Winters Property, Enda McGuane said it was important for colleges and accommodation providers to think outside the box, in order to alleviate immediate demand as quickly as possible.

“We are all aware of the shortage of residential accommodation, the reality is that it will take a number of years before supply catches up with demand. This will not happen until Government addresses issues around land zoning, planning, finance, and tax. None of this helps people who have just got their CAO offers.”

NUI Galway and Winters have also issued an appeal to homeowners to rent a room in their home to a student.

Homeowners can earn up to €14,000 tax free by taking part. Spread the word to parents and parent networks in a city near you and consider becoming a student landlord in your town.


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