Top tips on looking for a tutor

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

As we enter the month of September, parents' minds may start to turn to the upcoming academic year. Many will jokingly say for a bit of peace and quiet and a return to structure, yet others will be thinking about their child's grades and how they can assist in turning that B into an A.

Grinds are a great way to help any pupil struggling with a subject or perhaps squeezing a better grade out. And here at the we have the top tips on what to look for when searching for the perfect tutor for your child.

1 Safety first

Probably not the first thought that goes through parents' heads when considering a tutor but it is arguably the most important. Protect your child and tutor by making sure the tutelage takes place in a public area such as a library. If the tutor comes to your house, make sure there is an adult present. This means scheduling the times of the grinds to coincide with times when another adult is in the house.

2 References

Ask the tutor for previous parents' contacts so you can ask for a reference. Ask about teaching style and results achieved. Do not be shy in asking for references as this could make the difference between your child passing a subject or failing.

3 Experience

Try to find a tutor who is up-to-date with the current syllabus and curriculum. For example, the Irish Leaving Cert is 40 percent oral and 60 per cent written and aural. An Irish speaker will be able to teach the oral aspect of the curriculum but may not have the necessary teaching skills or knowledge to assist with written and aural segments.

Also, you must ask does the tutor have exam experience? Teaching a subject to the required level requires experience and skill. Teaching a student how to answer exam questions require different techniques and skills. Tutors who mark exam papers are the best equipped to teach and provide tips to your child on how to answer exam questions.

4 Begin tutoring early

If you notice that your child is struggling with an exam subject and you feel grinds are the best course of action, then start the search early. Do not wait until mock exam results to hire the services of a tutor as it puts added pressure on the child to learn the subject in a shorter time frame.

So there are a few tips on looking for a tutor for grinds. What are you waiting for?

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