Time to get in shape

In association with Advertiser Classifieds

So 2017 has arrived and you are struggling to fit into your dress or your slick six pack has turned into a glorious keg thanks to the excesses of the festive period. Most people are wondering what they must do in order to remove the Christmas fat and get back into their pre-holidays shape.

Here at the advertiser.ie we provide you with five top tips to get you on your way to battle the bulge.

1 Get exercising

Yes I am stating the obvious but it is important to get the body moving again after the Christmas period were most people spent their time slowly morphing into the sofa while consuming the same amount of food as a baby elephant. An hour of exercise a day will make you feel more energetic, clearing out the cobwebs of the Christmas and New Year hangover.

Some will make the excuse they have no time but that is what it is; an excuse. Make time because a healthy body equals a healthy mind.

2 Commit for the year

When deciding to join the gym, you will be confronted with a number of offers from three month to six month specials. Best advice is join for the long haul and go with 12 months. Why? You ask. Because the feeling of paying €30 for a month's membership and €400 for a year's membership is completely different. Forking out a large sum of money will drive you on to get to the gym in order to receive your money's worth. Just imagine paying €400 for a gym membership and only going twice. Whereas paying only €30 and not going does not quite stir the feelings of guilt in your gut.

3 Push yourself

When you make the leap to join a gym to slim down, make sure you push yourself. There is no point going through the motions as the only thing that will have decreased in size is your bank account. Plus you will most likely get demotivated from a lack of results and go to your comforting friend; food. Gym instructors will have no problem in inspiring you to shift that weight.

4 Diet

You can never outrun a bad diet as the old saying goes and eating right is just as important as your workouts in the gym. Making simple dietary changes could be the key in seeing the weight drop off and you hitting your goals.

5 Remember to treat yourself

It can be a common misconception that in order to slim down that you must cut out everything that leaves you salivating. Rewarding yourself with a cheat meal can help in your exercising. For example having a pizza when you have hit the gym four times in one week. However, if you only workout three times then no pizza for you; simple.

So there are the top five tips for a healthy New Year from the advertiser.ie No excuses lard ass.

For Health & Fitness services visit http://classifieds.advertiser.ie/lifestyle-health/ 


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