The Seen and The Unseen in Kinvara

THE SEEN and The Unseen, an exhibition of ceramics, sculpture, painting and photography by Bláithín Ní Leannain, Catherine Dunne and William Fulford, is about to open in Kinvara.

Bláithín Ní Leannain’s ceramic art is inspired by the tones and textures of the Atlantic coastline and the Burren; the Burren is also a subject for the painting and photography of Catherine Dunne; William Fulford’s sculpture draws on the complexity of the human face and figure as well as painting and photography by Catherine Dunne.

“Surrounded by the magical landscape of the Burren, inspiration is everywhere the eye turns, from the natural flora and fauna, the tones, and textures to the Atlantic sea itself,” says Bláithín.

The exhibition runs from 11 am to 6pm daily, until August 7, in the Courthouse, Kinvara.


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