Time to check out what the city and county have to offer

In association with Advertiser Classifieds, your Classifieds website

The summer has finally arrived. Unfortunately the clear blue skies and heat waves you were expecting or more likely praying for, have not materialised as we batten down the hatches against the wind and rain. What's worse is your children are free from the shackles of school for the next few months and will be lazing around the house, bored with nothing to do, unable to go outside without being soaked to the bone. You know what they say about idle minds?

However there is no need to worry as classifieds.advertiser.ie has the solution to solve children's boredom and prevent the potential parental earache with a selection of activities in which the family can get involved and enjoy throughout the city and county.

Why not try watersports

It is already raining outside so odds are you are going to be drenched before you reach the water so why not have a bit of fun in the wet. Not only a form of exercise, watersports are great activities for all the family in which to participate as many watersport schools cater for beginners right through to expert level. There is such a diverse range from which to choose such as surfing, canoeing, snorkelling, banana boating, children and parents are guaranteed to find something they love.

Summer camps

The next Joe Canning? The next Picasso? The next Saoirse Ronan? Allowing parents downtime, a summer camp is a brilliant way to introduce children to new hobbies and ideas. The activities at these camps vary greatly from drama, sports, painting to pottery and computers, a child will no doubt find something s/he adores. These camps last for around three days so children can get a taster of a number of pursuits throughout the summer.

Exploring museums and Atlantaquaria

For those families who are interested in history and nature, checking out the museum in the city and the aquarium in Salthill is a wonderful day out. The museum is located by the famous Spanish Arch and showcases Galway's rich archeology, heritage, and history. A definite must for anyone who is interested in the culture and arts and on top of that, it is free.

Atlantaquaria is the National Aquarium of Ireland so there are plenty of fish and sea life present to bring out your inner Jacques Cousteau. After exploring Ireland's native waters, families can take part in the feeding, exploring the model submarine, and even hold starfish and giant spider crabs. The Arabica Coffee House sells food and snacks so the naval explorers can refuel and recharge when hunger takes hold.

Chilling in Connemara and the Aran Islands

Connemara is one of Ireland's most beautiful areas. A simple drive along its winding roads will take one's breath away but there is a variety of things to do in the region. Visit the impressive Kylemore Abbey; full of romance, history, and education; take a trip on the Killary Fjord where you might meet a friendly dolphin or two; or maybe a trip to Aran and an opportunity to practice your cúpla focal will entice you. It is up to yourself and family to find the right blend in this wonderful place.

So there you have it, a few pursuits to pass the time this summer in Galway. Get out of the house and appreciate what Galway has to offer and do not say you are bored.

Don't forget ot check out Advertiser Classifieds for a range of summer activities for all the family


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