Sixty jobs to be created as US IT company locates in Galway

Sixty jobs will be created for the city as US data security company, Ipswitch, has decided to locate its European, Middle Eastern, and African HQ in Galway. The jobs will be in research and development, sales, and technical support.

Based in Massachusetts, Ipswitch specialises in data security with products for email, file transfer, networks and serves. Its products are used in 168 countries. The company's decision to locate here has been welcomed by Galway West Fine Gael TD Seán Kyne.

"The decision of another global IT company to choose Galway is hugely positive and reflects the work of the IDA, the Department of Jobs, and local organisations to transform Galway into an information communications technologies hub," he said.

According to Dep Kyne, the most recent figures available show more than 14,300 people working in 60+ IDA-supported multinational companies in Galway - the highest number in a decade. Dep Kyne said it is "imperative the new government continue with the job creation policies, such as those in the Action Plans for Jobs, which are demonstrating such positive results."


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