Masterplans for the facilities in Kingston and South Park to be delivered by September

Masterplans for the proposed recreational and amenity development at Kingston and South Park will be delivered by September, and there will be public consultation on the plans, with all relevant stakeholders.

The date for the plans was confirmed at a meeting in City Hall this week, at which a presentation was made to the council’s strategic policy committee. It is also understood that consultants will be on the two sites over the coming weeks, to complete topography reports.

Fianna Fáil city councillor and SPC member Peter Keane described it as “terrific news not just for the communities and sports clubs in Knocknacarra and Claddagh,” but for “all Galwegians” as the development of proper sporting and recreational infrastructure “is central to the overall development and well-being of our city”.

Cllr Keane has been supportive of what he called a, “shovel ready project for the Kingston lands” where Galway Hockey Club last year made a proposal to construct a floodlit astroturf facility at no cost to the council. “This masterplan will clear the way for the commencement of this and other projects which will be of huge benefit to local schools and the broader Knocknacarra community,” he said.

In relation to South Park, Cllr Keane pointed out that certain restrictions were inevitable owing to its High Scenic Amenity designation, but he stressed the masterplan would deal with any such issues by combining passive and sporting objectives. “It is critical the council invests in South Park,” he said. “It is a gem of a facility.”

The Galway City West councillor acknowledges there will be “an obvious funding challenge for us to deliver” on the masterplans, but sees no reason “we cannot be strategically placed to avail of further Capital Sports Funding Grant Aid”.


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