Canney confident his representations will result in Milltown NS traffic calming

Independent Cllr Seán Canney, a candidate in the next General Election in Galway East has met with the principal, staff and members of the Board of Management concerning Milltown National School traffic calming.

Cllr Canney confirms he has been in contact with the Senior Roads Engineer in Galway County Council in relation to this matter.

“I have received a reply confirming that the matter has been referred to the Roads Design Office for their consideration. I have also requested that additional flashing signs be erected to alert motorists at the peak school times” states Cllr Canney.

“I have made a submission to Galway County Council to have a reduced speed limit installed at the school. I have been informed that this will be considered as part of the speed limit review taking place this year”, concluded Cllr Canney


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