Red Bird to launch The Condition of Others Zine

THE CONDITION Of Others Zine, the latest project from the visual art group, Red Bird Youth Collective, is being launched tomorrow at 6pm in the Galway Arts Centre, Dominick Street.

The 16-page zine, created over five weeks by Red Bird and the Silent Maroon Rabbit Gang, from the CAMHS Day Hospital, Platform 9 3/4 at Merlin Park, and followed on from an earlier collaboration between the groups, also entitled The Condition Of Others. The zine looks at how a person is defined, and how identity is multi-layered. The project began by exploring exactly what each component of the last exhibition represented - and using that to see the world from a different perspective.

Each page originated with a question that links the pages together. These questions relate to what makes up the human experience, resulting in a mixed media piece that reflects on society’s demands and assumptions on young identity.

The zine will be published on and print copies will be distributed in CAMHS Day Hospital, Platform 9 3/4 at Merlin Park; Galway University Hospitals Arts Trust; and the Galway Arts Centre.


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