Local senator launches campaign to ease traffic congestion

Local senator Fidelma Healy Eames has launched an online campaign which she hopes will help solve Galway’s chronic traffic problem.

The campaign which can be seen at www.Galwaytraffic.ie is an online petition and forum for people to sign and share their views. Senator Eames states that much like the rest of Galway, she too is fed up with being stuck in traffic every time she gets in her car.

“Like everyone else, I’m sick and tired of our traffic problems in Galway City and surrounding areas. As part of my election campaign, I’m not just going to talk about our traffic problem; I’m actually going to do something about it. We need solutions right now, we can’t wait for 10 years.”

She has plans for four specific transport solutions for Galway city, three of which could be implemented immediately and the fourth is a longer term solution. Her four proposed transport solutions are:

— A city school bus system

— A “High Occupancy Lane” system which means that cars with 3 or more people can use the bus lanes

— A bus lane crossing the Quincentennial Bridge

— A light rail system for Galway City in the longer term

“The first of three of these solutions, if implemented, will ease our chronic traffic problems immediately and the light rail system is a solution for the longer term. This is what’s needed now. The facts are a bypass may or may not happen and it will solve no more than ten per cent of Galway’s traffic problems in any account. One way or another if the Bypass goes ahead it wont be in place for at least 10 years. This is of little use to our chronic traffic problems. As it stands everyone is losing out. We need traffic solutions now and there are real actions we can take if there is the political will to do so, stated Fidelma when speaking about her Galway Traffic campaign.

To sign the petition and submit your views, you can visit www.GalwayTraffic.ie There’s a short video from Fidelma which covers full details of her plans and how you can support and share your views.


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