How to drop a dress or trouser size in just a few weeks

When we think of losing weight, we put great emphasis on the clothes in our closet and that section that seems to have a tag saying ‘Need to lose weight to fit into this’.

January is a great month to start losing weight. The Christmas holidays and excess eating are over, and we have three months to get in shape for summer holidays and parties. So start thinking about shaping up your body and dropping a dress or trouser size and slip into those clothes without it becoming a tug of war.

Here’s how to guarantee the results you want.

Why do people find it so difficult to get into shape and then to stay in shape? Why do clothes fit for a while, and a few months later, you can’t fasten the buttons or do up the zip? Science shows us that as we age, we lose 30 per cent of our muscle mass. This doesn’t just come from the body that we see in the mirror every day, it also comes from our vital organs. Even if a person stays the same weight between 30 and 60 they will have 30 per cent less muscle and 30 per cent more fat. With very little effort our bodies go shapeless as we lose our strength, and look, feel, and become old.

Clothes are a real test, and we wonder why they hang, pull, or gape on our bodies. Could it be that you have been doing the wrong thing? So what do people normally do when they want to get into shape, lose weight, or get fit? Normally they start to do some form of aerobic exercise or they go on a low calorie starvation diet. But what does the research say? Sure, you will lose weight, but worryingly most of the weight loss can be muscle. Muscle – the one vital thing that science says we should hold on to to remain youthful, fit, and full of energy.

Studies tell us that when doing aerobics up to 60 per cent of the weight lost can be muscle, and this can be up to 90 per cent if you manage to stick to a low calorie diet. This is all pain and no gain.

For a better solution to weight loss, contact Tara McFadden at Educogym Oranmore and Kingston. She will design a programme that involves mainly weight resistance exercise, as intensively as you can manage, to get you the results you want.

For more information on how to kickstart your Educogym fitness programme, contact Educogym, Main Street, Oranmore, at 091 788880, email [email protected]; or Educogym, Kingston, Knocknacarra, at 091 523904, email [email protected].


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