Event discussing the concept of Universal Design Homes to take place on Monday


An event will take place in the Town Hall on Monday October 19 to explain the concept, and discuss the benefit of Universal Design Homes. Members of the public who have an interest in this area are being encouraged to go along between 9am and 1pm. Dr Ger Cradddock and Neil P Murphy of the NDA will discuss what is Universal Design. Dr Craddock is the inaugural chief officer of the Centre for Excellence in Universal Design, a statutory body established by the Government in 2007.

Architect Fionnuala Rogerson, and occupational therapist Karin Bendixen are also among the list of speakers. There will be a Q&A session after the various presentations to address any questions people may have.

Universal Design is best described as person-centred design. It involves designing products and spaces so that they can be used by the widest range of people possible. Universal Design evolved from Accessible Design, a design process that addresses the needs of people with disabilities.

Universal Design goes further by recognissing that there is a wide spectrum of human abilities. Everyone, even the most able-bodied person, passes through childhood, periods of temporary illness, injury, and into old age. By designing for this wide range of human diversity, things are created that will be easier for all people to use.


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