Illegal parking behaviour of Irish motorists 

Research by motoring solutions specialist, easytrip, Ireland’s only parking and tolling provider, has revealed that more than 40 per cent of Irish drivers have admitted to parking on double yellow lines.

Other illegal parking behaviour included parking in a restricted loading bay (29 per cent ), parking at a bus stop (16 per cent ) and parking in a bus lane or clearway during restricted hours (15 per cent ).

Parking preferences

The easytrip research has also revealed that more than half of male drivers preferred to park on-street compared with 33 per cent female motorists. Of the female drivers surveyed, two thirds choose multi-storey car parks with reasons including convenience, avoiding being clamped, safety and security, and saving money compared to on-street.

The research also revealed that transport hubs (eg park and rides; rail stations; airports ) and shopping centres are the most popular frequent parking locations.

Common parking incidents

Parking incidents are a common occurrence with the research revealing that more than 40 per cent of drivers found their car to be dented or scratched when parked.  This was followed by 12 per cent of motorists getting clamped for parking in the wrong location, and a fifth of those surveyed admitting that on occasion they could not find where they parked their car.

On a more positive note, it seems we are a generous nation with 33 per cent of respondents stating that another motorist had given them the remaining time on their parking ticket to use.

Most annoying habits

Respondents to the easytrip survey revealed the most annoying parking habits for 82 per cent of male respondents were drivers who took up two parking spaces, while 90 per cent of women found those who parked too close to their car was the most frustrating.

Other irritating habits included: Parking in a disabled space, when not disabled; Parking in a family car space, when not a parent with child; Robbing your parking space before you get a chance to move into it; and then blocking the parking aisle while waiting for a space.

Respondents were also asked to admit what habits they were guilty of, and blocking the parking aisle while waiting for a parking space came out in pole position at 60 per cent.  This was followed by admissions of parking too close to another car (33 per cent ), taking up two parking spaces (17 per cent  ) and taking  another driver’s parking space (15 per cent ).

“Parking our cars is a daily activity that can sometimes bring out the bad driver in us all,” says Colin Delaney, general manager of easytrip.  “It’s important to remember to park in allocated parking areas only, and as our survey reveals, between the lines and to be courteous to our fellow motorists.  Our easytrip parking tag can take the hassle out of parking and provides more than 10,000 secure and safe parking locations to choose from around Ireland.”

Easytrip offers electronic car parking through the use of their tag in 24 car parks nationwide.  The easytrip tag is scanned on entry and exit to the car park, with no need to take a ticket or queue at the paying station, and the fee is then automatically deducted from the tag holder’s account. 

For more details visit


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