College Rd and Lough Atalia to return to original traffic system next Friday

The one-way system which is currently in operation along Lough Atalia and College Road will revert back to the original two-way system next Friday June 19.

Residents at both locations have been up in arms about the effect of the one-way system. They claim the dual carrigeways on both roads have led to extreme speeding, particularly along College Road, and it is an accident waiting to happen. A large number of residents protested outside Monday's city council meeting, demanding that the original traffic plan be reinstated.

The roads became a one-way at the beginning of April to facilitate major roadworks under the Lough Atalia Bridge. Those works were completed during the designated eight week period and the road under the bridge reopened over the June Bank Holiday weekend. However Galway City Council announced the traffic plan would remain in place for a three-week period to trial how it would operate with the road under the bridge open and traffic once again flowing freely to and from the docks.

The ban on the two right turns at the Moneenageisha junction also continued - there is currently no right turn permitted from Moneenageisha Road on to College Road or from the Dublin Road on to the Wellpark Road. Officials said the revised traffic arrangements had worked well in minimising congestion and they had received positive feedback on the one-way system.

Indeed it appears the system has been working too well with motorists and commuters making the most of the open road. Gardai have been out in force with their speed cameras at both College Road and Lough Atalia Road over the past week and have caught a number of motorists breaking the 50kmph limit. Speeds of more than 90kmph were recorded along Lough Atalia.

At Monday's city council meeting it was announced that it was always the plan to continue the one-way system for an additional three weeks after the roadworks were completed, to finish off a snag list such as the installation of various signals and a traffic island. There is currently an assessment ongoing, taking into account the traffic flow and speeds, while the one-way remains. On completion of the traffic assessment, a report will be issued to the city council recommending the best course of action for the future.

City CEO Brendan McGrath said he wished to assure residents of Lough Atalia and College Road that the original traffic system would be back in place next Friday.


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