Local man bequeaths money for Oughterard concert

A special concert will take place in Oughterard as a result of a request in a local man’s will.

Richard (Dick ) Gilbert died last November after a battle with cancer, but stipulated in his will that he wanted to sponsor a concert as a gift to the people of Oughterard.

The free concert will take place on Friday at 8pm in the Church of the Immaculate Conception where Dick played the organ on a regular basis.

It will feature the Con Tempo String Quartet,  Galway Baroque singers, Finghin Collins on piano, and Elizabeth Cooney on violin.

Dick and his wife Dorothy (Doc ) lived in the County Galway village for 21 years, having immigrated from America, where Richard was Professor Emeritus of chemical engineering at the University of Nebraska (Lincoln ).

He frequently penned articles in the Oughterard Newsletter.

After his death it was discovered in his will the request to sponsor a concert - not a memorial, but a celebration of life - and his gift to the people of Oughterard for making himself and his wife so welcome in the west of Ireland.


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