Heart and stroke expert to give talk at Croi

Internationally acclaimed author and speaker, Prof Barry Franklin, from Michigan USA, who is a world recognised expert on how to prevent and recover from heart disease (and other cardiovascular illnesses such as stroke, diabetes and obesity ) will visit Galway this month to give a free public talk on Friday November 28 at 7.30pm in the Croí Heart & Stroke Centre, Newcastle, Galway.

Prof Franklin is recognised around the world for leading advances in the evaluation and treatment of coronary artery disease. His research interests include cardiovascular risk reduction; obesity and metabolism; and exercise testing and prescription.

He is recognised as one the top cardiac rehabilitation specialists in the USA and he has written or edited more than 500 publications.

Among his publications is a book he has co-authored with heart patient Joe Piscatella – who is one of the longest lived survivors of heart bypass surgery.

The book titled Prevent, Halt & Reverse Heart Disease was originally published in 2003 and is now completely revised and updated with the latest research on managing the #1 killer of men and women globally.

The revised edition of this book 109 things you can do to Prevent, Halt and Reverse Heart Diseas’ is listed by Amazon as one of the Best Books of 2014.

Among his distinguished academic and research appointments, Prof Franklin is Director of Cardiac Rehabilitation and Exercise at William Beaumont Hospital, Michigan, USA; Professor of Exercise Science at Oakland University; Professor of Physiology at Wayne State University School of Medicine, and Professor of Internal Medicine and Biomedical Engineering, Oakland University, Michigan Places for Prof Franklin’s free public talk on Nov 28 are limited and pre-booking is essential. To book your place call Croi now on 091- 544310.

Prof Franklin will be available after his talk to sign copies his book which has been described as ‘exactly the kind of indispensable, plainspoken advice you need after your doctor tells you that you have heart disease’


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