Oranmore heritage lecture to hear of Irish soldiers of WW1

The second lecture in the Oranmore Heritage 2014/2015 winter lecture series, focusing on Irish soldiers in World War I, will take place on Wednesday November 26 at 7.30pm in Oranmore Library.

Entitled ‘A Coward if I Return, A Hero if I Fall: Stories of Irish Soldiers in the First World War’, the lecture will be delivered by Neil Richardson and will be on the topic of Irish involvement in the Great War and how to trace family members who may have been involved.

Neil Richardson studied philosophy in University College Dublin and works as a creative writing teacher and editor. He is also a playwright and two of his plays, Through the Dark Clouds Shining and From the Shannon to the Somme, are inspired by stories from his book on World War I. His great-grandfather’s experiences in the trenches inspired his collection of Irish veterans’ stories.

The lecture is part of a monthly lecture series, which will continue until March 2015.

Admission is free and all are welcome.


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