Walk or run for St Vincent de Paul

A 10k Run/5k Walk for St Vincent de Paul will take place on July 20 at 10am in the grounds of NUIG to raise much-needed funds for the society in Galway.

SVP Galway spends more than €1 million annually to help people in need.

The day promises to be a fun event for families and individuals who will enjoy a picturesque walk/run in the rounds of the university.

Registration will take place from 8.30am on the morning at the engineering building - €10 for adults, €15 for families and €5 for unwaged.

Most of SVP’s work is carried out by volunteers who visit people in their homes to provide assistance with basic needs and education. SVP also works to promote self-sufficiency, enabling people to help themselves and advocates at local and national level on social justice issues in order to create a more just and caring society.


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