Women and carers victims of ‘sneaky’ pension cuts, says Ó Cuív

Galway women and carers will see their pensions cut by as much as €30 a week - €1,500 a year - due to a “sneaky change” in pension payments made by Social Protection Minister Joan Burton.

This is the view of Fianna Fáil Galway West TD Éamon Ó Cuív who said the pension cut, which came in after the 2012 Budget, has resulted in very little savings.

“In response to a parliamentary question I submitted to the Department,” said the Cornamona based TD, “Minister Burton admitted this change, which is having a devastating impact on hundreds of older people in Galway, is resulting in extremely meagre savings. The Minister expects savings to be in the region of €5 million this year.”

According to Dep Ó Cuív, more than 15,000 people have been affected by the move.

“This sneaky change means women who left the workplace to raise a family are now being penalised for doing so,” he said. “People who took a career break to look after a loved one are also being hit. Many of these people have made substantial PRSI contributions during their time in the workplace, but are now being penalised by these pension measures.”

Dep Ó Cuív is calling on Minister Burton to re-examine this policy “in light of the paltry savings”.

“The cut does nothing but demonstrate the uncaring nature of this Government towards people who decided to care for their own families,’ he said. “This measure needs to be reversed.”


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