Language planning process begins for two Connemara areas

The official language planning process has begun for two areas of Connemara, with organisations being given two months to apply to Údarás na Gaeltachta to be selected to prepare and implement a language plan.

Six notices were published last week by Minister of State for the Gaeltacht, Dinny McGinley, under the Gaeltacht Act 2012 regarding the Gaeltacht Language Planning Areas. The Galway areas affected are An Cheathrú Rua and Ceantar na nOileán. The other areas selected are Na Déise in County Waterford; Ciarraí Theas in County Kerry; Cloich Chionnaola, Gort an Choirce, An Fál Carrach, Machaire Rabhartaigh, and Dún na nGall Theas in County Donegal.

Speaking on Monday Minister McGinley said the notices were “another step forward in the implementation of the language planning process in the Gaeltacht”.

Once Údarás na Gaeltachta makes its selection the chosen organisation will have two years to submit a language plan to the department for assessment in line with the prescribed language planning criteria. Following that, the organisations will have a period of seven years to implement the language plans with assistance from Údarás na Gaeltachta while the department will periodically review the implementation of the plans during this period.


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