Buyer beware - paperwork is worth the legwork

Gardaí are warning of a new scam, of which they have seen multiple cases since October last year, involving used cars being sold privately on popular websites.

Unscrupulous sellers are placing adverts for cars at very low prices (sometimes under €1,000 ), stating they have six months’ tax and/or NCT. When the seller arrives to look at the car, all seems well and they hand over the money.

However, once they realise the car has no tax or NCT, the seller assures them that it does, leaves to retrieve the paperwork and simply never returns. The buyer is left with an untaxed car that may be unroadworthy or may need further work to pass the NCT, but with no recourse – and no laws broken beyond false advertising – they are left to foot the entire bill. Gardaí are advising never to hand over money without proof of tax, NCT and the logbook, also known as the Vehicle Registration Certificate or VRC.

This type of scam is easily-combated through a background check on the car. When buying from a private or trade seller, just ask for the serial number on the VRC and the NCT cert/disc number.


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