Maree/Oranmore sponsorship deal

Maree Oranmore FC has received a financial boost following a three-years sponsorship agreement with the Galway Clinic.

At the reception in the Galway Clinic, CEO Joe O’Donovan, in describing Maree/Oranmore FC as “one of the most progressive and well run sports organisations, not only in Galway, but throughout the country,” said the clinic was delighted to renew its sponsorship for another three years.

The match between the Galway Clinic, which was committed to “Excellence in Patient Care”, and Maree/Oranmore FC, which was committed to the “development of a healthy community” was a fitting partnership, he said.

Club chairman Liam Carroll said running a club with more than 550 members was a costly exercise and he was delighted that 95 per cent of the club’s expenditure on an annual basis was with local companies.

Maree/Oranmore FC was committed to providing physical recreational opportunities for all its members, irrespective of their individual abilities, while striving to be the best it could be.


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