Ó Clochartaigh calls for Yes vote to end ‘political cronyism’

An “elitist and undemocratic” institution with “no place in a modern democracy” deserves abolition, according to a Galway member of Seanad Éireann.

Connemara based Sinn Féin senator Trevor Ó Clochartaigh is calling on Galwegians to give a “massive Yes vote” in the Seanad Referendum taking place tomorrow.

Sen Ó Clochartaigh said the Seanad had “consistently promoted political cronies and allies” rather than ideas or visions. He cited the system of the Taoiseach’s nominees as an example.

“During the Fianna Fáil era it was used to promote close political associates rather than doing anything to bring diversity into the political system,” he said.

He also argued that the Seanad has “always been an instrument of government power – not a check or balance to it. He said that since 2011 the Seanad has supported the Government on every single occasion, including the introduction of the property tax, cuts to disability payments, and the promissory note deal costing the taxpayer €30 billion.


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