Take the work out of wet weather

Beat the winter weather with a drying cabinet that will make short work of dripping coats, gloves and soggy shoes as well as the wet washing.

Maytag’s drying cabinet is a multi-functional, freestanding unit, which is perfect for drying anything from soaked shoes, boots, hats, coats, and gloves to the finest cashmere jumper.

It is the first drying cabinet of its kind that offers a modern version of the airing cupboard with the additional benefit of an equivalent of 16 metres of clothes line. Three gentle heat settings with a four-hour timer will dry 3.5 to 4kg of clothes in a couple of hours. It is fitted with sliding racks and multiple prongs and hangers to offer a flexible and versatile drying area. It’s also labour-saving; heated air flows around hanging garments, allowing the creases to drop out, sparing you the ironing!

The cabinet comes in either white or stainless steel and can be installed anywhere in the home. It can also be used to create the ultimate drying centre next to Maytag’s stacked 60 Series washing machine and tumble dryer.


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