Commercial rates causing carnage for small business in County Galway

Commercial rates are causing carnage and are hampering the small business community in County Galway according to Senator Lorraine Higgins.

Senator Higgins said that businesses continue to pay unfair rates at a time when they are struggling given turnovers have fallen substantially yet there is no adjustment to reflect the changed times.

“As a result many remain under intense financial pressure which is causing closures. Businesses throughout Ireland pay €1.4bn every year in commercial rates and have shouldered the burden of financing County Councils singularly.

“However, now with the introduction of the property tax small business owners should not now pay the same amount in rates given there is a new revenue stream for County Councils,” she said.

Sen Higgins said that this government must be committed to supporting business and encouraging growth.

“It must provide targeted support, where it is most needed and the budget needs to reflect this. In the coming week I will be bringing this issue up with the Minister for the Environment, Community and Local Government in the Seanad and be requesting him to take the necessary steps to address this problem" Senator Higgins concluded.


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