Two new partners at DHKN

DHKN has announced announce the appointment of two new partners Mark Gibbs and Stephen Crowley.

Mark Gibbs, a chartered accountant with a B.Comm from NUIG and an MBA from the Smurfit Business School, specialises in banking and corporate restructuring, mergers and acquisitions, company disposals, business planning and strategy. Mark has been with DHKN since 2006.

Stephen Crowley, a chartered accountant with a BSc in Accounting from UCC, specialises in Audit and Business Advisory Services for large and medium size enterprises, charities, regulated entities and public sector organisations. Mr Crowley is a lead member in DHKN’s Credit Union Services division. Stephen has been with DHKN since 2005.

DHKN is now a five-partner chartered accountancy firm employing more than 75 staff. They offer clients a full suite of services incorporating Taxation, Audit, Business Advisory and Restructuring Services.

Speaking at the announcement, Proinsias Kitt, Managing Partner, said “I am delighted to welcome both Mark and Stephen as Partners of DHKN joining Bobby Clinton, Terry Noone and myself. I am very excited about these appointments as in my view both Mark and Stephen bring an extra dimension to our firm and place us on the right footing as we plan for the next decade. DHKN celebrates 10 years at our headquarters at Moneenageisha Road, Galway this year and we look to the next decade with great optimism”.


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