NUI Galway opens its doors for summer schools

NUI Galway is offering secondary school students the choice of six separate summer schools in June, across the disciplines of business, nursing, computing, engineering and science.

The summer schools are specially designed to give prospective students a real taste of university life through a wide range of hands-on practical activities.

The nursing summer school will take place on Wednesday, June 5, giving students the opportunity to learn more about studying nursing and the careers available to them upon graduation. Activities at the summer school will focus on lifesaving skills such as CPR, recognising vital signs and hand hygiene. Spaces for this summer school are limited to 32 students and are on a first-come, first-served basis.

NUI Galway’s week-long computing summer camp introduces computing in a novel, fun and interactive way. Students will have the opportunity to explore and experiment with a range of digitally-inspired topics including programming, computer animation, games, 3D modelling and robotics. The summer camp will also give students a sense of the exciting possibilities in computer science and information technology, and will also provide an insight into the range of topics that form part of the highly successful BSc in Computer Science and Information Technology. Due to popular demand, NUI Galway will hold two of the week-long sessions from June 10-14, or June 17-21.

Students interested in the engineering summer school have a choice of two different days to participate, Thursday, June 27, or Friday, June 28. Taking place in the university’s new engineering building, the summer school offers a unique hands-on practical experience to get a taste of life as an engineer. Activities include controlling a wastewater treatment plant remotely, robo-soccer games, building and testing pacemaker circuits, designing an eco-house, and for future Formula 1 engineers, designing a go-kart. There will also be a 'Frankenstein Design’ feature on how bioengineers make new body parts.

From Wednesday June 26 to Thursday June 27, the science experience summer event will offer students two days to delve into a wide range of scientific disciplines in world class research facilities and institutes. The workshop will feature all disciplines of the College of Science including biology, chemistry, maths and physics. Prospective students will get a taste of life as a scientist with the opportunity to take part in lab experiments and demonstrations, find out more about careers in science and hear about the latest discoveries and inventions.

Open to all secondary school students, the computer science and information technology camp will take place on Monday, June 24. Taking place on Tuesday, June 25 the business summer school is made up of workshops and lectures bases around the five subject areas taught by the School of Business and Economics - marketing, human resource management, accounting, economics and business information systems.

Spaces for all summer schools are limited so early booking is advised. The closing date for applications is Friday, June 7, with the exception of the science experience summer event and the computing summer camp which have a closing date of Sunday, May 19 and Friday, May 31 respectively. For further information, or for application form, visit


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