Knocknacarra to host Defeat the Property Tax meeting

How we can Defeat the Property Tax is the title of a public meeting for residents in Knocknacarra and surrounding areas which takes place this evening at 8pm in the Clybaun Hotel.

The meeting is being organised by the Campaign against the Home Taxes and will seek to encourage and develop resistance to the controversial new tax.

The organisers of the meeting claim that less than two per cent of the revenue from the tax will be derived from properties valued at over €1 million, with the vast majority of the taxes raised from those living in an average house or apartment.

The group also challenges claims that the property tax will help to fund local services.

“The central funding for local government has already been cut by 20 per cent between 2008 and 2012, a total €522 million,” a spokesperson from the group said. “This just happens to be precisely what the Government hopes will be raised from the property taxes.

“In other words, property tax will not lead to any improvement in local authority services. It will divert money that previously went from central Government to local government to pay off of bondholders.”

For more information contact Breege (085 - 7366971 ) or Dette (091 - 596844 ).


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