Councillors agree improvement scheme for Galway city west

Major improvements to junctions, building footpaths, and installing traffic calming measures for the west of the city will be carried out under a new cross-party plan by the area’s councillors.

Councillors Catherine Connolly (Independent ), Peter Keane (Fianna Fáil ), Donal Lyons (Independent ), Niall McNelis (Labour ), and Hildegarde Naughton (Fine Gael ) have agreed on a number of local project to be funded from the Local Improvement Scheme adopted in the 2013 City Council Budget.

The proposed works include improvement to junction with Clybaun Road adjacent to pedestrian crossing at White Oaks; traffic calming ramps and short section of footpath in Cartur Mor; improved sight lines at Mincloon Cross (Clybaun Road/Rahoon Road junction ); and traffic calming ramps on Liosmore, Bothar Stiofan, and Rahoon Road.

The LIS is an initiative by the council to undertake small projects and works in their local areas. In December the council members agreed to the formation of the LIS fund with €150,000 being adopted by the council and €50,000 being allocated to the Galway City West area.

The councillors recently met with City Hall officials Billy Dunne and Frank Snowden to cost and plan the projects, which local residents associations and groups had lobbied councillors to have undertaken.

The funding for these projects has been confirmed and will be undertaken in the coming months. The schedule of works which will be rolled out over the coming months.

“Galway City West Councillors are the only councillors so far to agree projects from the LIS fund,” said Cllr Donal Lyons, “and shows despite political differences and opinions, the councillors are prepared to agree and work for the betterment of the area.”


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