Public needs reassurance over burgers says Ó Cuív

The public needs reassurance that traces of horse DNA found in burgers from two meat processing plants is not a widespread practice in the industry.

This is the view of Fianna Fáil agriculture spokesperson and Galway West TD Éamon Ó Cuív who has also criticised Agriculture Minister Simon Coveney of producing only a “flippant response” to the issue.

The controversy came to light following a survey by the Food Safety Authority of Ireland which revealed traces of horse meat in some beef products. Dep Ó Cuív said the situation is “potentially serious” and could have “a damaging effect on Irish agriculture if not dealt with quickly and comprehensively”.

He called for meat from the processors in question to be withdrawn and for steps to be taken to find out exactly how the horse meat came into the food items.

Dep Ó Cuív was also highly critical of Minister Coveney for saying it was only “cheaper meat” that was affected.

“This is totally beside the point,” said the Galway TD. “The same high standards should be adhered to in terms of the quality, ingredients, and makeup of meat no matter what the price is. People’s rights to food safety should not depend on how much they are able to spend on food.”

Dep Ó Cuív said all meat sold in this country and sourced abroad must be “100 per cent traceable”.


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