Over The Edge reading

DUTCH WRITER Judith Mok will be the main reader at this month’s Over The Edge in the Galway City Library on Thursday December 13 at 6.30pm.

Judith was born in Bergen, The Netherlands. She has published three novels and four books of poetry as well as short stories. Her short stories have been short listed twice for the Francis McManus award and her first novel The Innocents For The Circus for the Prix de l’Academie Francaise. She is also a classical singer.

Also reading are Gabriel Lacey, a member of Javawriters who is included in their first anthology, Infusions; and Galway based poet Hannah Kiely.

This will be the final Over The Edge for 2012. There will be an open-mic after the featured readers. New readers are welcome. The MC will be Susan Millar DuMars. The Over The Edge Christmas celebration takes place afterwards.


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