Public information on property tax

A public information meeting on the controversial property tax takes place on Thursday November 15 at 8pm in the Clybaun Hotel, Clybaun Road, Knocknacarra.

The meeting will be addressed by John Lyons, a member of the People Before Profit Alliance and of the National Campaign Against Household, Septic Tank, and Water Taxes.

From 2013 it has been suggested that people will be charged over €500 under the new tax. The Finance Minister Michael Noonan is proposing a teaser charge of 0.25 per cent on house values. However many fear the charge could rise to as much as €1,000 a year.

At the meeting Mr Lyons will argue that the property tax will be yet another tax burden on the majority of ordinary low-to-middle income homeowners and that the only people who will not be adversely affected are the wealthy.

The meeting has been arranged by the People Before Profit Alliance in Knocknacarra. All are welcome. For more information contact Dette (091 - 596844 ) or Breege (085 - 7366971 ).


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