Shahira Barry - local model

For Shahira Barry, sport would not her first choice for recreational enjoyment. She even confessed to a history of evading PE classes in school so the hysteria that has enveloped the county in the days leading up to this crunch tie with arch rivals Kilkenny is not really applicable for her.

Irrespective of her lack of interaction with the GAA community however, Ms Barry has declared her support for the maroon and white. Despite her admittance to never attending a hurling match, she is proud to salute the team with luck. "I'm not in the least bit sporty. I'm you're typical girly girl. I love make-up, fashion, and modelling so I don't really know all that much about hurling. I'm really hoping that I can catch some of the game in one of the pubs."

She added that she would always be a Galway supporter in every sporting discipline and feels the same way towards the international outfits when they enter tournaments. Ms Barry is not entirely detached from GAA with friends who do play camoige an football, but not at an inter-county standard.


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