Horticulture groups launch initiative to promote autumn gardening in Galway

Ireland’s four main horticulture industry associations — the Association of Landscape Contractors of Ireland (ALCI ), the Garden Centre Association of Ireland (GCAI ), the Irish Hardy Nursery Stock Association (IHNSA ), and the Garden and Landscape Designer Association of Ireland (GLDA ), in conjunction with Bord Bia, are encouraging garden centres, and landscape and garden designers in Galway to take part in an autumn gardening campaign this September. The campaign aims to encourage and educate people on the advantages of gardening during the autumn. Planning is already under way for a number of exciting events and activities due to take place across the country.

Many people believe that the gardening year is drawing to a close, but this is not the case. After a challenging season, the garden industry in Ireland is working together to develop and launch a campaign to remind the public that there is still time to enjoy the garden and that autumn is the real beginning of the new gardening year.

The four main industry bodies, in partnership with Bord Bia, are encouraging Galway members to organise events, workshops, and promotions to help convey the message that autumn is nature’s natural beginning of the gardening year.

The autumn gardening campaign will launch in early September with events and promotions taking place throughout the autumn.

For further information on autumn gardening events in your area, and some great gardening tips, visit www.bordbia.ie/gardentime


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