Healing wih Solace Acupuncture Clinic

Many people who work long hours with computers find they are afflicted with chronic pain in their neck, shoulders, and upper back. Solar Acupuncture Clinic at Churchyard Street, Galway, treats many people with chronic pain, using a combination of traditional acupuncture, cupping, and electric TENS.

Treating neck, shoulder, and back pain over a course of three to six sessions, Solace Acupuncture Clinic has brought relief to many sufferers. The clinic also helps people with digestive problems, stress, insomnia, and other common ailments. It is registered with the Acupuncture Council of Ireland and acupuncture is covered by most health insurers, such as VHI, Laya, Aviva, etc.

Patients have described Solace’s therapists as “dedicated and very caring”. For more information and testimonials, see www.acupunctureingalway.com Book a free consultation today and receive 25 per cent off your first treatment. Email [email protected] or call 087 697 2351 to book.


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