Fáilte Ireland embarks on tourism project for Galway city

Fáilte Ireland has awarded a tender to Blue Sail Consultants under its Destination Development Programme, to develop a ‘Blueprint for Tourism’ in Galway city.

This blueprint is expected to guide all future investment and product development activity impacting on tourism in the Galway area.

Blue Sail has met with key tourism players across the city to gather their views based on their knowledge and experience of the tourism product in the area. A wider stakeholder workshop is also being planned for later this month with a view to reaching a collective shared vision on how the sector should grow over the coming years.

“One of Fáilte Ireland’s five strategic priorities for the current period is Destination Development,” said Eva Dearie, Fáilte Ireland’s client services manager for Galway city. “We have prioritised work in a number of key destinations across Ireland, and Galway is one of those key locations.

“The aim is to successfully initiate and implement a Destination Development Strategy in the area to positively impact on the growth and sustainability of all businesses and communities through increased visitor numbers, tourism revenue and jobs.”


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