Investor sought for company specialising in CNS disorders

Griffin Tuition located in NUIG is offering an opportunity to a financial or Angel investor to invest in its cognitive intervention treatments for central nervous system disorders such as Alzheimer’s, depression, schizophrenia, stroke, traumatic brain injury, post related stress disorder, senior memory maintenance, MCI, bipolar disorder etc. This revolutionary software is a first to Galway, Ireland and the UK.

In Ireland today there are 44,000 people with Alzheimer’s causing much pain, loneliness and hardship to both sufferers and their families at a cost of €52,000 a year for each patient in nursing homes with an overall cost of €1.8 billion.

As Alzheimer’s progresses the individual losses the physical ability to look after themselves, and in turn become a major concern for the immediate family necessitating them to give constant physical care. Eventually this becomes a very overpowering demand on the family resulting in their loved one being admitted to a nursing home. Griffin Tuition’s software’s main features is that it maintains mental abilities which then compliments physical abilities thereby slowing down the decline in the person’s ability to care for himself.

What is new and what the software programmes does is it maintains mental abilities which in turn maintains physical abilities thereby offsetting the decline in the persons ability to physically look after himself. This feature is one of the many dramatic advantages of the software: maintain cognition to maintain physicality. This feature alone allows a person to stay at home for up to five years longer at a cost saving of €250,000.00 to the family, should cash be an issue.

The Alzheimer numbers are estimated to nearly triple by 2030, meaning that there will be 144,000 suffers in Ireland alone.

All in all there are approximately 400,000 people suffering from CNS Disorders in Ireland today.

“With the present infrastructure we will be unable to cope with the increase in patient numbers so, and in accordance with Dr Reilly’s comments in the Irish Times 19/1/2012* – ‘Creating excellence in dementia care’, we will have no option but to keep people at home. It is all well and good to say to people you must stay at home, albeit, another to achieve,” he said.

Of growing medical concern worldwide are the many side effects of treatment drugs such as in the case of Alzheimers. Side effects such as: changes in vision, feeling faint, problems with balance can lead to falls, broken hips, incapacitation even death have been reported along with skin rash, swelling of the face, lips, or tongue, slow heartbeat, palpitations, stomach pain, unusual bleeding or bruising, red or purple spots on the skin, vomiting (resulting in dehydration, memory loss, confusion and falls etc ) et al!

One of the many bonuses of the software approach is that there are no side effects therefore fewer broken hips etc. Admittance to hospital for a duration is costly, necessitates a hospital bed plus a medical team along with nurses - commodities in sharp decline. Therefore to compensate, this software claims to lower the incidences of falls in the elderly reducing hospital admittance etc. More free beds translate into fewer hospital trolleys in corridors.

With the advent of these new software technology programmes, exclusive to Griffin Tuition for both Ireland and the UK, it became apparent that an expansion of operations was necessary to effect a successful product roll out providing better patient care in our communities, hence this offer to partner with an investor or investors.

In America the software is being used very successfully in Memory Clinics, and more importantly, costs are reimbursable through Medicare. As they say, medical companies such as Medicare do not reimburse payments unless there is an advantage to them especially a financial one! Further software programmes can be accessed at by clicking on the ‘Aging Well’ tab.

Applicants are also invited to apply for provider positions with respect to rolling out the software in designated territories in Ireland that will generate income as well as providing for the elderly at home as opposed to a Nursing Home. Additionally, should a Nursing Home be interested in incorporating the software into its daily protocol or wishing to become an investor, the manager can call (091 ) 589771.

There is also a programme called Fast ForWord® for children or adults suffering from Specific Learning Impairments (SLI ) such as dyslexia, dyspraxia, asperger’s, autism, ADHD etc or General Learning Difficulties (GLD ) such as poor memory, inability to process or sequence incoming information, poor reading comprehension, even focus and concentration. Fast ForWord may be of great interest to people with children suffering from either SLI or GLD.

Interested parties should call James at (091 ) 589771 to arrange a meeting to discuss these opportunities.


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