North Beach Poetry Nights

THE AWARD winning poet Stephen James Smith will perform his poetry at the next North Beach Poetry Nights on Monday in The Crane Bar, Sea Road, at 9pm.

Stephen James Smith is a poet and playwright. He has won the Cúirt International Literary Festival Poetry Grand Slam. His ABSOLUTE Fringe play Three Men Talking was shortlisted for the Bewley’s Little Gem Award 2011.

He represented Ireland at the Vilenica Literary Festival Slovenia and in 2010 at Wiersze w Metrze Poland. In April 2011 he was invited by Culture Ireland to recite in Nuyorican Poetry Café New York. Arise and Go! his debut album with musician Enda Reilly was selected by Hotpress as one of the best albums of 2011.

Poets wishing to enter the Slam on the night need at least two three minutes poems. The poem for the second round must be performed without a script. The prize is a bottle of wine and entry to the North Beach Grand Slam in December.


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