CoderDojo to inspire next generation of computer coders

The next generation of computer coders are set to be put through their paces during a free induction offered by CoderDojo.

CoderDojo is a non-for-profit organisation founded by James Whelton and Bill Liao that teaches young people how to code. It is an Irish-led, global network of computer clubs where young people come to be taught about computer coding, developing websites, applications, games and much more. CoderDojo also organises tours, guest speakers and events and this weekend it is coming to Galway.

CoderDojo, whose mission is to “help nurture the next generation of ninja coding monkeys”, will be staring their coding induction at the Digital Enterprise Research Institute, IDA Business Park, Lower Dangan, on Saturday, February 4, from 12pm to 3pm, and will be holding coding classes every Saturday after this. Interested participants are asked to bring a lunch, laptop (if you have one ), and a parent (if younger than 12 ) to the induction.

For further information contact email: coder [email protected], twitter: @coder dojogalway, or web:


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