Progress in Vietnamese adoption issue will help Galway families, says Healy Eames

Fine Gael Galway Senator Fidelma Healy Eames, has this week welcomed the news that the adoptions of Vietnamese children to Ireland may soon be resumed as signalled by Minister for Children Frances Fitzgerald, following her visit to Vietnam last week.

Adoptions from Vietnam to Ireland were curtailed after a bilateral adoption agreement between Ireland and Vietnam lapsed in May 2009.

“For Irish couples who want to adopt children, this is wonderful, life-changing news. I personally know a number of couples who are hoping to adopt Vietnamese children once arrangements between Vietnam and Ireland are ironed out. One of these Galway families has had their file stuck in Vietnam for three years at this stage. I really don't know how they've coped with this harrowing delay.

“Nationally, around 270 Irish couples who were in the process of adopting children from Vietnam were left disappointed when adoptions from Vietnam were cancelled. I am extremely heartened to hear the Minister report that the outstanding issues regarding child welfare have been addressed and that adoptions may soon resume.

“Minister Fitzgerald and her department, and their Vietnamese counterparts, have made significant progress in a relatively short time to address the outstanding issues. Minister Fitzgerald has said that Vietnamese authorities are moving to improve their systems for adoption, leading to the Vietnamese Government’s formal implementation of the Hague Convention, which sets out international standards for adoption. Furthermore, Minister Fitzgerald has reported greatly improved cooperation from the Vietnamese authorities which is very encouraging.

Senator Healy Eames concluded: “I commend Minister Fitzgerald for the expediency with which she has addressed this issue on behalf of the many Irish couples who want to adopt children from Vietnam. For parents in Ireland and children in orphanages in Vietnam


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