Lose weight for life — breakthrough in weight loss only at Therapie

The statistics do not lie. A sobering 51 per cent of Irish men and 32 per cent of Irish women are overweight. As a nation we are getting larger and enjoying a less than healthy relationship with food. The Christmas period of excess, however enjoyable, confounds the problem and really tips the scales in January. Did you know that for the average Christmas dinner, with all the trimmings, you will consume 3,500 calories?

Look at how easy it is to put on weight at Christmas. Although turkey is a healthy meat, a good sized portion still adds considerably to your tally of calories. One portion contains 149 calories and 4g of fat. Everyone loves a roast potato, especially when cooked in goose fat, but just one contains 127 calories and 4g of fat. A portion of Christmas cake contains 249 calories along with 8g of fat. The average consumption of drinks on Christmas Day is five, which equates to approximately 850 calories. Finally, beware the mince pie — one portion with cream contains 368 calories and 25g of fat. It is not difficult to see how we can pile on the pounds at Christmas.

While one day out of the year will not affect us too badly, some of us do need to take serious action about our weight. We are all too aware of the negative health implications but we simply had not found the key to losing weight safely and effective, and keeping it off, until now.

Therapie Clinic has just introduced SureSlim, an internationally acclaimed, scientifically formulated, weight loss programme. The programme has had incredible success worldwide, helping more than a million people lose weight and improve their health. The programme is scientifically formulated, based on nutrition, metabolic processes, and hormone regulation.

In short, the programme works by correcting metabolism so you lose weight quickly, safely, and most importantly of all, permanently. Participants receive a personalised and tailored dietary plan and learn how to feed the body properly so that it starts to burn fat instead of storing it.

A blood test (at a local GP ) checks for potential disorders that may influence weight and helps in tailoring the personalised plan. Together with the information gathered at the initial consultation, a personalised eating plan is created. Other factors including medical history, medication, and food likes and dislikes, are all taken into account. The diet plan is nutritionally balanced, consisting of proteins, high-quality fats, and a controlled reduction in carbohydrates, specifically for the purposes of weight loss.

The plan does not count calories, weigh food, or prescribe shakes or anything else, but instead looks at the nutritional value of food. You will attend regular, one-to-one meetings and receive all the necessary support and guidance to ensure you are successful in reaching your goal weight, for life. On average participants will lose 10 to 15lb per month.

With SureSlim at Therapie weight loss is maintained for life. You will be encouraged to attend regular one-to-one meetings, free of charge, even when you reach your goal weight, to ensure you remain on track, motivated, and informed and inspired, for life. To find out more drop into Therapie Clinic, Shop Street, Galway, phone (091 ) 539900, or visit www.therapieclinic.com


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