Students aim to break down barriers between generations

Transition year students from Calasanctius College in Oranmore, and residents from the Village Nursing Care Centre in Craughwell, are currently participating in a five week intergenerational project designed to bring young and old together for the purpose of learning from each other.

The project commenced with an orientation day which introduced students to some of the different roles of staff at the centre, the importance of hand hygiene and infection control, and appropriate communication. The programme of activities for the remainder of the project includes arts and crafts, rehearsals for the Village Care Centre Christmas performance and a day of activities directed by the Oranmore students.

One student participating in the project expressed a desire to “break down the barriers between the generations”. A second student said: “I hope that we will brighten up the days of the people in the nursing home and that older adults and young people will talk more”.

Speaking about the project, owner of the Village Care Centre, Dr H Bhatti, said that its residents will benefit immensely from the interaction with young people from the local community, and he urges other schools, drama and community groups to contact them to arrange a similar project.”.

“The residents really enjoy the visits; working alongside the young people on projects or simply chatting about the local community and the past, gives our residents a real boost” he said.

The students are guided by the Village Care Centre recreational therapist, occupational therapist and other members of the nursing home care team in conjunction with their Transition year coordinator, Ms Lynagh and other members of the teaching staff at Calasanctius College.

The Village Nursing Care Centre is an award winning, modern, care facility situated near the townlands of Oranmore, Craughwell and Clarinbridge. The centre specialises in long-term residential care, post-operative care, respite care, high dependency care, day care and home care. For more information call 091 777700 or visit


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