HSE staff must be paid entitlements says Crowe

Expenses due to HSE workers should be paid immediately and Government party TDs, councillors, and senators must come out publicly and demand action on the issue.

This is the view of Fianna Fáil councillor Michael J Crowe who said the announcement by the HSE that up to €15 million in expenses are going to be pushed into 2012 is “completely unacceptable and must be reversed”.

Cllr Crowe also stated that Health Minister James Reilly’s “handwringing and complaints” on the issue “are difficult to accept” given that he “fired the board of the HSE and took personal control of its operation” in April.

“Having taken direct control, it is time that he used it and instructed the HSE to pay workers what they are owed,” he said. “Minister Reilly has made strong comments on this issue but crocodile tears are going to help no one.”

Cllr Crowe said HSE workers who have incurred expenses in the course of their normal duties are entitled to have their costs paid before Christmas.

He is now calling on Galway West Government TDs Brian Walsh, Sean Kyne, and Derek Nolan “to ensure this issue is addressed urgently”.


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