Sustainable fishing policy vital for Ros a Mhíl jobs, says Kyne

A sustainable fishing management plan for the Celtic Sea is vital if fishing industry jobs are to be protected, particularly in Ros a Mhíl in south Connemara.

This is the view of Galway West Fine Gael TD Seán Kyne, who was speaking in the Dáil on Tuesday.

According to Dep Kyne, Ros a Mhíl plays an important role in the processing of fish, particularly herring, which are caught in the Celtic Sea. However trawlers from Northern Ireland, France, and Denmark landed catches in the Celtic Sea this year which deprived the four fish processors in the Republic, such as the one based in Ros a Mhíl, of much needed business as well as depriving the State of any revenue.

“Furthermore, Ros a Mhíl, unlike the overseas locations, cannot land catches from the Celtic Sea and is awaiting a decision on an application to do so, an application which I fully support,” he said.

“The fishing industry is exceptionally important for Ros a Mhíl and the Connemara region,” continued Dep Kyne. “The Connemara region must benefit from the positive results of the sustainable restocking programmes and fishing plans and the mistakes of the 2011 season must be learnt from and avoided for the next season. Much-needed jobs are dependent on it.”


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