Celebrations for Highfield Park and Ballinfoile

The Highfield Park Residents Association and the Ballinfoile Community Gardens collected awards at the 2011 Pride of Place Awards Ceremony last week. Mr. Phil Hogan TD,Minister for the Environment, Community & Local Government presented the awards at the All-Island Pride of Place Gala Awards ceremony at the Amber Springs Hotel, Gorey, Co. Wexford.

Hosted by Wexford County Council,the Minister announced the winners to an audience of approximately 500, which included representatives from all of the 113 nominated groups.

Highfield Park won first prize in the City Estates Category and representatives of the Residents Association were presented with a cheque for €1,000 and a plaque.

Ballinfoile Community Gardens won the runner up prize in Category 5, Community Enhancement Project and were presented with a cheque for €500 and a plaque.

The following entrants from Galway City were nominated in various categories.

· Knocknacarra

· St. Joseph’s Avenue, Henry Street.

· Highfield Park

· Ballinfoile Community Garden

· Ballybane Community Garden.

All participants received a Certificate of Participation in respect of their entries in the 2011 Competition. The certificates are issued to place on record Co-operationIreland’s admiration of the selfless community work that is happening in villages, towns and cities across the island of Ireland.

The judges remarked “Win or lose,these are all exemplary groups and communities deserving of the highest praise”.

The Pride of Place Competition recognises and celebrates the vital contributions that community partnerships make to society. The focus is on people coming together to shape, change and enjoy all that is good about their local area. It differs from other similar projects in that they specifically recognise the involvement of the local community in all aspects of rural and urban regeneration including promoting social cohesion, involvement in planning, the promotion of heritage and environmental awareness.

This is the ninth year of the Pride of Place Competition, which is run by Co-Operation Ireland in partnership with the All-Island Local Authority Steering Forum, a forum that encourages strategic and sustainable approaches to cross-border co-operation by local authorities.Local authorities from practically every county in Ireland nominated groups in their local area.


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