Habitual offender ordered to behave or spend Christmas in jail

A 37-year-old habitual trouble maker has been warned to stay out of trouble, abide by the conditions laid down by the court, or spend Christmas behind bars.

Judge Mary Fahy gave the warning at Galway District Court this week after Shane Barry of 143 Fear An Ri, Ballybrit, was once again brought before her for public order offences.

Garda Dermot Hardiman told the court that on June 15, 2011, at around 6pm a young male had made a complaint that two men had approached him aggressively and had demanded money. At St Patrick’s Avenue the complainant pointed out Barry who was in a highly intoxicated state and who immediately became aggressive and abusive towards the youth and Garda Hardiman. Garda Hardiman said that he had advised the fearful youth to make a statement but he refused. He added that the defendant pointed aggressively at the youth, was cursing, and that all this happened in his presence.

Defence solicitor Valerie Corcoran put it to Garda Hardiman that her client was approached “without an actual complaint”.

Inspector Ernie White then stressed that Barry had become verbally abusive to the guard and to the youth. He added that the incident happened soon after Barry had been convicted, that same day, in the District Court for theft. The court heard that the defendant has been given a number of chances and is currently on probation with a number of conditions.

“I’m getting tired of looking at this man coming in and out of court. If he doesn’t abide by the conditions of the court I will re-enter the whole lot,” said Judge Fahy who added that she is dismissing the charge of threatening and abusive behaviour; however, the charge of being intoxicated in a public place remained. The matter was then adjourned to December 19 for the preparation of a garda behaviour report.

“If he doesn’t comply I will be taking no more nonsense from this man. If it [the report] is bad I’m afraid he might not be home for Christmas,” warned Judge Fahy.


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