Local senator meets Chinese ambassador to discuss forging links between Galway and China

A local Fine Gael senator met the Chinese ambassador for economic and commercial affairs recently to discuss forging trade links between Galway and China.

Afterwards Senator Fidelma Healy Eames described the meeting with Ms Zhang Shuging at Leinster House as “very constructive”.

“The Chinese ambassador was very welcoming of our interest in building China-Galway links for trade purposes.”

The senator said she now needed to establish the names and specialist areas of Galway companies interested in doing business with China.

“The ambassador offered to bring Chinese business delegations to visit these Galway companies to focus the potential for new business.

“Furthermore, she will work with us to provide taster classes in Chinese, something that may be of interest to parents and students for the future. This is an exciting development with huge potential for growth. We will proceed carefully.”

Senator Healy Eames said this is “just the beginning” of a series of meetings.

“Later this week business people from Galway and elsewhere will meet in Leinster House to discuss practical steps we can take.

“China currently has foreign reserves in excess of $2.85 trillion and countries like Germany, France and the UK have bilateral investment agreements with the Chinese which have been very successful in attracting Chinese investment. At a policy level, this is something we must work on.”


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