Two shows from ALâ Community Theatre

A RE-IMAGINING of The Alice In Wonderland story and two one-act comedies from the USA will be presented by ALâ Community Theatre in the Town Hall Studio next week.

The Alice Project will be staged on Wednesday November 19 and Thursday 20. It is a company-created work-in-progress that explores the fantastical elements of the classic Alice story. This is an Alice story for adults, with original music, a confused Alice, and trouble in Wonderland.

Pink Thunderbird features two one-act comedies by American playwright James McClure - Laundry & Bourbon and Lone Star, directed by GB Miller. It will be staged on Friday November 21 and Saturday 22.

It is 1974 in Maynard, Texas, a small town on the edge of the desert. Elizabeth and Hattie sip bourbon, fold laundry, and gossip while their gone-missing men commiserate over beers across town. Their tales intertwine in these hilarious and poignant shows.

Both show shows begin at 8.30pm. For tickets contact 091 - 569777.


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